| 1. | Many large companies are involved in at least one joint venture . 许多大型公司至少已拥有一个合资企业。
| 2. | The joint venture is integrated into the dominant parent's management system . 合资企业的管理业务全部纳入母公司的管理系统。
| 3. | All of the functional managers in the joint venture will come from or be selected by the dominant parent . 合资企业内所有职能部门经理全由母公司委派。
| 4. | First, they exclude countries such as japan in which joint ventures are demanded by the government . 第一,没有包括日本,在日本,合资经营是由政府决定的。
| 5. | Most of the american companies generally resist joint ventures and go to great pains to avoid them . 许多美国公司普遍抵制合资经营,采取一切办法来躲开它。
| 6. | The joint venture will be more successful if one firm is willing to play a passive role . 如果有一方合营者甘愿充当配角,那么这个合资企业可能会取得更大的成功。
| 7. | Many firms with technology will not enter joint ventures in which they own less than 50 per cent of the equity . 许多拥有技术的企业不愿意加入股权少于50的合资企业。
| 8. | Some firms were secretive, to the point not informing their joint venture partners of the exact location of mines . 有些企业就保守秘密,不告诉合营伙伴有关矿场地点的准确位置。
| 9. | There is not enough evidence available to determine whether or not the rate of joint venture formation is increasing . 目前还没有足够的资料证明合资企业的形成趋势是在增长还是下降。
| 10. | Pacific industries are willing to explore with your corporation the possibility of even closer ties through joint ventures . 太平洋实业公司愿意与贵国共同讨论通过合资经营更加密切彼此关系的可能性。